Saturday, February 8, 2014

Essential Oils for common Breastfeeding Problems: Blocked Milk Duct and Mastitis

I'm currently breastfeeding my third child Warren, who is now 7 months old. So I'm no stranger to blocked milk ducts.  I probably have had about 1 per month every month I have breastfed.  With the first two kids I didn't know about essential oils, so I used all the other natural methods to get relief, such as feeding first on the side that is irritated, making sure milk is completely drained at each feeding, angling baby's tongue to be on the sore spot, hot showers, hot compress, etc.

I have now been using essential oils for a few years and they have become my go to for any ailment we face.  So for my first blocked duct this time around, I immediately looked up what might help, and came across references for Lavender and Melaluca.  I tried them, applying on location, and within a couple hours the pain and tenderness was gone!  It was amazing how fast it worked.  The only other thing I did was pay attention to baby's feeding position, making sure his tongue was facing the block.  I continued to use this treatment to effectively nix all my blocked duct issues, and it worked perfectly until last week.

Last week I noticed soreness on one side, and immediately applied Lavender and Melaluca. This time however, the trouble spot was on the top, inside of my boob, so I could not for the life of me figure out how to angle baby so his tongue would be in the right position to properly drain the offending duct.  I think this was the only reason it wouldn't clear up right away. 

So it kept on for about a week and kept getting more and more sore.  2 nights ago it had gotten to the point that I thought I was going to have to go into the Dr. in the morning.  And I really hate visiting the Dr.  I kinda feel like I'm giving up at that point, like I don't know what else to do except ask for drugs that  I'd rather not take.  But I was desperate. I had tried everything, but I think the position of the block in this case made all the difference, as it was never able to be completely drained.  It probably also didn't help that Warren is teething and has a stuffy nose, so he would frequently pull off in the middle of eating.

 The pain was constant and excruciating, it was red, swollen, and hard as a rock even when empty.  I was feeling really bad as well, fatigued, not sleeping well, and just not feeling good overall. I looked up symptoms for Mastitis, which I've never had before, and sure enough- it lined up exactly with what I was experiencing. 

I figured I would try one last time with the oils, so I tried some Deep Blue on it during the day- this helped with the pain quite a bit. (NOTE: using Peppermint can reduce your milk supply- use with caution!)  Last night I put on Lavender and Melaluca, as I have been, then added Cypress, Oregano, Frankincense, and Helichrysm.  Within a couple min I noticed a tingling, almost burning sensation. Not in a bad way, just like I could feel something happening.  So I went to bed, and I was completely shocked when I woke up this morning and had NO pain, redness, or swelling whatsoever!  It's completely back to normal.  I'm not sure if it was a certain one of the added oils or the combination, but something definitely worked. 

I am constantly amazed at what these doTerra essential oils can do.  Even after I have used them and fixed so many problems, I am still shocked when a new one works. I don't know why, I should just expect it by now. :)

Here are the oils I used and why:

Lavender:  Pain, Calming, Inflammation, Infections, Anticoagulant 

Melaluca:  Pain, Inflammation, Infections, and it also breaks down the protective layer that bacteria 
                 form around themselves, making them easier to kill

Cypress:   Circulation, Relaxing, Infections

Oregano:  Hugely Antibacterial

Frankincense: Enhance effectiveness of all other oils, Immune Stimulant, Inflammation, Infections

Helichrysm:  Regenerative, Pain, Inflammation, Infections, Anticoagulant

Lavender and Melaluca work great for a blocked duct alone, but if it progresses to mastitis, or doesn't get better with those oils alone, try adding in the others.


  1. Hi Crysta. Thank you for the tips. Did you apply the oils with fractioned coconut oil? Did you put them in a roll on?
    Thank you!

    1. I don't normally dilute many oils. Some people recommend you do, but I have never felt the need myself. All of the oils above I put on neat, except for oregano, always dilute that one. I also layer the oils one at a time vs combining them in a roller bottle. When you mix them it changes their chemical makeup, and sometimes can affect their properties. There is a science to blending, and i don't know enough about it to try blending on my own. Hope this helps you!

    2. How much of lavender and melaleuca do you use?

  2. Hi Crista, you only used them when it blocks or can be used as prevention. .?

  3. Women are more likely to suffer from different types of health ailments and blocked or clogged milk duct problem is one of them. It is really painful and can lead to infection or mastitis. Although many medications are compatible with breastfeeding but it's good to minimize the use of medications when you have this problem. Instead of medicines you can try Blocked Milk Duct Home Remedies . Always keep in mind that natural remedies are the safest way to cure this condition. Just try Herbal Remedies for Blocked Milk Duct and you will see results soon.

  4. I am in the middle of a blocked duct at the moment. My oily guru gave me correct x, which has melaluca, frankincense, heliochrysom, cedarwood, and lavender. It's in a base that makes it useful as a massaging agent. So far I believe it is helping at the deep tissue layer. Thanks for the tip on positioning baby so that the tongue faces the duct. That will be my next step!

  5. Has this remedy ever been used with a pregnant canine (dog) with the discomfort of mastitis? Has anyone ever used essential oils on a pregnant dogs teets?
